Mar 5, 2023Liked by Alice Goldbloom, Jan Peppler, PhD

I could so relate to your efforts to purge the “stuff” accumulated over a lifetime. I loved how you received a message from your mother years after her death. Beautiful story!

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Thank you, Carol. Me too. And a bit amusing that halfway through my fifties, the message is still as important as it was when I was a kid!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

The classic McGuffin - I love it!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

“I am a duck.” Very sweet. And yes, if we’re lucky and will listen, people from our past do speak to us.

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My mom is also from Minnesota and had this Hummel along with many more. I think she collected them because her mom’s maiden name is Hummel! I don’t recall if it’s a relation or coincidence.

She died last year, but we had downsized her a couple times over the years and we sorted through so much stuff. Every time I face a box of my own incidentals I think to myself, Do I get rid of this now or leave it for my kids to deal with when I’m gone? 😂

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I hear you - Culling through our possessions is a real struggle! So what did you end up doing with your mom's collection of Hummels?

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Love the relationship of figuring out any connection. It seems we all might have a piece or two from mom in our boxes as to 'why? Thank you!

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