If only... If only I had kept notebooks. Friends writing memoir announce that they have diaries to rely on. I've had so many adventures, how much better would I be able to write if I'd recorded it. My memory is now hole-y. What a gorgeous find, though, an intimate insight into the workings of someone else's mind. Love the pic of Picasso's notebook. Enjoyed the read.
If only... If only I had kept notebooks. Friends writing memoir announce that they have diaries to rely on. I've had so many adventures, how much better would I be able to write if I'd recorded it. My memory is now hole-y. What a gorgeous find, though, an intimate insight into the workings of someone else's mind. Love the pic of Picasso's notebook. Enjoyed the read.
If only... If only I had kept notebooks. Friends writing memoir announce that they have diaries to rely on. I've had so many adventures, how much better would I be able to write if I'd recorded it. My memory is now hole-y. What a gorgeous find, though, an intimate insight into the workings of someone else's mind. Love the pic of Picasso's notebook. Enjoyed the read.