
Beautiful and tender story full of every emotion. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

What a beautiful example of friendship ! Thank you for sharing

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Dearest Donna, What a treasure to hear your voice after so many years. Thank you for coming forward to share with us. I send my fondest thoughts to you and your lovely husband and hold warm memories of our brief time of knowing each other.

Mimi Findlay

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

What a beautiful and life-affirming piece.!

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Such a wonderful heartfelt story.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

donna, you are one exceptional lady as are the jigsaw people in your family. bravo to affirming life!

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Thank you, Donna. A story of surviving and overcoming and sharing. This is life affirming. Love can make the world go round.

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A beautiful piece of writing and a powerful story, Donna. I was so glad to read of these bonds in your life.

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Thanks for sharing this incredible story. It makes the hiccups in our own lives seem inconsequential.

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Eyes brimming with unshed tears. Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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What a beautiful legacy of connectedness through loss and lifetimes. I am so heartened to learn of this story, "your other daughter" and her Littles who now inhabit your heart.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Thank you for sharing your jigsaw story. I needed to read this now. It gives me hope.

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So moving. Thank you.

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Your writing glows and is wonderful to discover. Have you thought of submitting your pieces to “First Person” at the Globe and Mail?

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