I really appreciate the way you tell detailed personal stories that resonate to a wide circle of people and ripple with meaning. I remember the fear of polio in the '50s in New York and the lining up in the schoolyard for the shots. As a child, I didn't carry the fear the way the adults did, but now with covid, I can see that that aspect of the contagion has far-reaching impact.

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Thank you Susie! I recall getting my polio vaccine on a sugar cube. What’s interesting is that polio was eradicated in Canada and USA in 1979. I wonder if we will still be struggling with Covid in 20 years?

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Your stories are wonderful, Alice. I like your humour. I remember standing in line for a polio shot. My parents weren’t freaked out about polio, luckily.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

I spent one entire summer on our screened in porch ..not allowed out to play with friends or to swim in the lake…this wonderful story brought back vivid memories..waiting in line to get the polio vaccine we were all so grateful to receive..no conspiracy theories then ..a population united behind the need to conquer a dreadful disease.

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