All so true. My brother and I recently took up phone conversations to remember what we remember during our childhood and on. Some memories are very different, and some are exact. We are having a wonderful time.

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Oh gee. I look at pictures from the past and remember things... my brother doesn't remember or confirm when I ask. My husband and drapery "see the same thing" but it may be that I don't articulate clearly when I recall. I remember a lot of rebellion in youth and judging by the looks on my face from the photo ops that wasn't imagined. Journaling helps me. I look back and read from years ago and luckily my writing meshes with memories.

Great read, thank you.

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Our individual perspectives and memories can shape the way we perceive events and the world around us. "Life is just more nuanced than that," sums up the essence. Reality is multifaceted and what we see with our own eyes may not always align with objective reality. Prompting us to approach life and our interactions with others with humility and an open mind. A valuable reminder of the richness and nuance of human existence.

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That's a good example of why the police take statements from many witnesses when there is an accident or a crime scene.

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Terrific story. My brother, who was a criminal defence lawyer, taught me that eyewitness reports were not always to be believed. And memory? Well...

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Great article…..I think of this perspective with my siblings a lot…..what REALLY happened at any given time or place?

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It's wonderful to see Nin here. I've read all her fiction, all her diaries, and more than one biography, and because of her link to Otto Rank, I read his terrific book Art and Artist.

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