Sep 25, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Knowing the family and your story, reading it still brought tears to my eyes.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

What an amazing daughter and person Alexandra is!

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What an amazing story! Truly inspiring.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

My husband and I have a similar story where the universe aligned for both our son and daughter. We have been blessed with two wonderful children and now 4 beautiful grandchildren. We always felt we were meant to be our children's parents

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This moved me so much. To tears. Xoxo

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What an amazing story! The happy result of so many alignments...

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Dear Judith, I am guessing you are the very same one who sold us your house on Ridge Drive in Toronto more than 30 years ago, where we still live. Alice is married to my cousin Jonathan and a gifted, sensitive writer (and person). If indeed it is you, shana tovah from your old house and its current occupants, Nancy Epstein and me. Best, David

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absolutely! How lovely to see that you still live there. And a very shana tova to you and yours. Actually, I have been living in Israel these last 30 years, in Jerusalem. And just last winter I moved back to Canada, Montreal, to share a duplex with my daughter and family. Haven't made it to Toronto yet but I will eventually. and it would be great to stop by. all the best. Judy

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Dear Judy

It has been a wonderful home for its current tenants, including our sons and our grandchildren. I do hope you will come for a visit - and autograph our copy of The Feminine Mistake. There are still people on the street, like Polly Maraden, who knew 41 Ridge as “the Posner house”. Best, David

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Feel free to connect outside Alice’s website with me at david.goldbloom@camh.ca

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Such a special story. Alex is blessed to have you two as parents and vice versa. I remember the first week she arrived in Montreal and meeting her at our house for dinner. It was all so new and somewhat overwhelming...as with all new parents. Thank you for sharing your journey.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Such a strong story about family, Alice. Your Jonathan is an amazing man. I can just see him carefully caring for his new little daughter all the way home from Poland. Shana Tova.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Dear Alice, I knew parts of the story. Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience somewhat similar to ours, but with a very different outcome. Xx

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Alice, you have written a marvelous story. I especially liked the imagery of the mother/daughter journey at the end.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Love this Alice.....

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This is such a moving story with a beautiful ending!

Thank you for sharing it!

Marylin Carsley

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Alice, your story gave me goosebumps!

It’s because of you that we adopted our beautiful daughter, Sarah! You hooked us up with a fellow in Toronto who gave us the name of the adoption agency working in Paraguay! ❤️

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Alice Goldbloom

Alexandra & Mathew are so lucky that the Universe did Align, and that they have you & Jonathan as their parents. What a beautiful and touching story!!

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I never knew this story...thanks for sharing Alice. So special...

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It is a gift to read your stories. Thank you.


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